Saturday, April 7, 2007

Presidential thinking

I am in the process of becoming a citizen of the United States. I hang around with mostly left-leaning pinko-liberal-socialist types who, when they find that out, ask two questions:

1. Why?
2. Will I have to give up my Canadian citizenship?

The answer to #2 is no, I can keep my Canadian citizenship. And I will.

And the answer to #1, why? Why? Because I like you!.... And I really really really want to vote.

I don't want to tip my hand here in case Homeland Security is monitoring my blog looking for seditious thinking, but click on the blog title for a picture of George W, I think that's who it is. Or Tony Blair, whatever. My political leanings are suggested here, although never stated explicitly. We Canadians are an apolitical people when circumstances permit. I think that time is long past, I'm just embarrassed that it has taken me this long to get off my duff.

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