Sunday, April 15, 2007

Refreshing thinking

I have a vacation coming up! On this vacation I will:

read a book a day;

read three newspapers daily;

paint the guest room;

mow the lawn and red0 the floral thingummy;

get to that termite problem once and for all;

teach the parrot to cuss;

take over all housekeeping responsibilities including getting both of us started on the South Beach diet;

run five miles every day;

walk the dog along the beach including picking up after him;

clean out the garage;

watch a lot of television.

Hold on a minute. May be I should edit this list a bit somehow or I'm going to run out of time.

Try this - read Curious George each time I sit on the john, as many times as it takes until I'm finished the whole book. Screw the newspapers. Buy paint for guestroom and give it to Gloria as a mother's day present, with a nice brush and roller set. Pay the neighborhood kid to mow the lawn including the floral thingummy. Raise a glass to the termites, hard workers that they are and I admire that in anyone. Cuss at the parrot. Drink from the bottle so as to aviod making a mess for Glo to clean up, and eat lots of burritos which I believe is the South Beach way. Drive five miles a day, dropping the dog off at the beach to make his own way home. Tell him not to poop on the way. Close the garage door.

Watch a lot of television.


mary said...

I always find it interesting to watch my own behavior after I have made a decision. Sometimes I am even surprised when I don't do what I had decided to do.

Creatific said...

Actually, the realistic to-do list number two sounds like the recipe for a MUCH more relaxing vacation!!!