Sunday, April 8, 2007

Wishful thinking

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

I googled "I wish..." and got 278 million hits.

" I was I was..." got 180 million.
"I wish I had..." got 138 million.

"I wish she loved me..." 15 million hits.
"....... I loved her..." 11 million.

"I wish he loved me..." 78 million.
" .......I loved him..." 10 million.

"I wish my mother loved me..." 19 million.
" .......I loved my mother..." 22 million.

"I wish my father loved me..." 17 million.
" .......I loved my father..." 19 million.

"I wish my wife loved me..." 12 million.
" .......I loved my wife..." 14 million.

"I wish my husband loved me..." 7 million.
" .......I loved my husband..." 8 million.

"I wish God loved me..." 28 million.
" .......I loved God..." 3 million.

"I wish somebody loved me..." 1.5 million.
" .......I loved somebody..." 1.3 million.

"I wish you were still alive..." 6 million.
" were dead..." 16 million.

"I wishI had a horse..." 3 million.

"I wish kings did not ride..." 1 million.

Honesty in advertising - I did not use quotes when I googled, so the results here are incredibly large and don't reflect the poignancy of the moment. Googling with quotes gives a much cheerier picture of life, cheerier but also more poignant. The subject of a different blog perhaps.


Anonymous said...

Another great post. I like this picture the best.

thinking...thinking...thinking said...

Caleb, I hope you sent this just after I changed the picture, and not just before...